• Keeping It Real

    Attention, Time & Energy > Dollars

    In my view, by-and-large we have been sold on the idea that our attention, time & energy are worth dollars, but that is simply not true. The Lies We Were Told We were taught to go to school and get a job so we can earn the money we need to get what we need & want in life. Because, after all, money is what makes the world go ’round, right? And what were we taught is money? Dollars. So, when we reached a certain age, we started trading a portion of our attention, time & energy for dollars. And then we spent more of our attention, time & energy…

  • Money

    The Great Taking

    Yesterday I came across a book that was published earlier this year called, The Great Taking by David Rogers Webb. (It’s available for free online as a .pdf. And there’s a documentary available to watch addressing some of what’s covered in the book.) I read it all in one sitting and found the information very enlightening. (I also appreciated learning more about the author’s backstory, found in the prologue of the book.) The opening paragraph of the first chapter states: What is this book about? It is about the taking of collateral, all of it,the end game of this globally synchronous debt accumulation supercycle. This is being executed by long-planned,…

  • Keeping It Real,  Money

    It’s All About Money & Control

    Our economy is in severe trouble, and has been for a very long time, despite what the MSM would have us believe. And this new war in Israel is another ploy to keep the economic system going longer. While the MSM claims the attack on Israel this past weekend was an “intelligence failure”, the stock & debt market activity that took place on the Friday before tells a different story. Apparently, somebody knew something like this was going to happen. Given what I’ve been watching on the financial front for the past 3-1/2 years, it is clear to me that this Israeli situation is a FALSE FLAG event. And given…

  • Keeping It Real,  Money

    The Locking Up of the System

    I often use the term “System” to refer to the mainstream way of doing things in our country, and I believe the backbone of that System is the Economic system with money being its lifeblood — not “cash”, but rather “money”, which is comprised of fiat currency, both in paper & coinage form and in digital form. This is what makes the System-at-large operate. Well, the writing is on the wall, and it has been for quite some time. The System is on the cusp of locking up…again. And it’s going to be devastating. PLEASE, do something to safeguard yourself as best as possible. Subscribe to Keeping It Real If you’d…

  • Homesteading,  Keeping It Real,  Land,  Money

    A Quiet Revolution

    Let’s face it. [Keeping It Real] Most of us were raised in an environment where our housing, utilities, food, energy, transportation, healthcare & communications were all provided for us in exchange for money. Very few of us, I think, inherited our housing. (I didn’t.) We more than likely had to acquire it with money. And then we all have to keep paying money to keep it. While some have their own well water & septic systems, most rely on municipalities for these services in exchange for money. And most buy the majority of their food and pay for electricity and/or gas/oil to power & heat their homes. And this is…

  • Keeping It Real,  Money

    The System Is Headed for Disaster

    Inflation is going to continue to rise. Job layoffs are going to continue to happen. Small businesses are going to continue to close. Bills are going to continue to pile up. And at some point, the whole banking/monetary system is going to come to a screeching halt. And when it does, it will be catastrophic. If you don’t believe me, investigate the matter for yourself. But understand: the mainstream media lies and so do the politicians and the central banksters. Please read Gregory Mannarino’s article, The Global Debt Market Time Bomb Is Close to Going Off. If you don’t understand how our banking/monetary system actually works, ordinarily I would recommend reading The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin and watching The Corbett…

  • Media,  Money

    A Man with a Guitar & a Message

    Have you seen/heard the red-bearded man singing his song, Rich Men North of Richmond yet? He goes by the name Oliver Anthony online, but his real name is Chris, and he lives in Farmville, VA. He’s not a professional musician, he’s just a man with a guitar and a message. If you haven’t watched & listened to it yet, please do so now. [WARNING: Contains foul language.] (Feel free to listen to it again…and again.) What do you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Here’s mine…

  • Keeping It Real,  Money

    Independence Day? Land of the Free?

    Hardly. It never was free. Everyone is too busy serving their money god from Kindergarten to grave. Dog eat dog. Climb the ladder. More money more money more money. Vote for freedom. Wait for Jesus to fix it. Work for the banker’s currency so they can have their infinite hot checks to write. Give me a break. I am just tired of it.

  • Keeping It Real,  Money

    Opting out of CBDC

    Yesterday, I received an email announcing a 5-Day CBDC Opt-out Challenge, which appears to be promoting the idea of utilizing cryptocurrency. While I’m not a big fan of crypto, I personally do not want to jump on board the CBDC wagon. So, I’m doing what I can to migrate away from using digital dollars. We sell products online. We’ve been doing it for decades now. It’s what has enabled us to stay home to raise & homeschool our kids and build our homestead. But now, seeing the direction things are going in the world out there, I don’t want to continue down that path much longer.

  • Homesteading,  House,  Kitchen

    My Freeze-Drying Future

    Last fall, we planned on processing our ginormous (yes, that’s a real word) fence-jumping Black Angus steer. However, when the day came to load him onto the trailer to go meet his Maker, a series of unfortunate events took place, to include the mangling of several cattle panels and garden fencing. Therefore his ticket to ride went to two other smaller animals, and that beast lived to see another day. 🙁 Knowing this mammal needed to end up in our freezer, sooner than later, yet our freezer space would be limited given the other two animals, we had to come up with either another massive freezer or another plan to…