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The World We Live In

In 2019, I did a series of videos speaking on my understanding of what the real world is — the one not made by human hands, and the world within it in which we all live.

In my first video, I laid out what I see the natural world consists of and its naturally designed order of operation. This designed order is what I often refer to as the Natural Order.

We all live in that world, but I believe many of us are distracted from paying much attention to it. And, unfortunately, I think most people are blind to its designed order of operation because of the artificial world that largely operates within it & all that it has been done to destroy that order.

I wrapped up this first video, sharing what I believe to be blessings to all of us living within this natural world, that being fertility & dominion.

Then, in the second video I laid out what I see the world within it consists of and its order of operation, developed & maintained by mankind. This order of operation is what I refer to as the System.

I then addressed what I see to be severe problems with this way of life, and where I see the System taking us, as individuals and as a whole society. Basically, it’s destroying us.

I briefly shared my attempts at somehow fixing the System and my final realization regarding what to do in response to this destructive way of life. That is, I believe we must come out of it.

But, we can’t do it alone.

We need others who want out of it as well to come together and figure out how to work together to live outside of that System.

Please watch these videos and seriously consider what I present, and then talk to me about it, please. (Call me if you have my phone number or send an email to Carrie -at- Wiggleculture (dot) com, and let’s discuss this, please.)

1 – Are You Living in the Real World?

2 – The Multi-Faceted System of this World

Love you!

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