• Homesteading

    How Do I Manage It All?

    Housekeeping and Raising a Family I’m grateful to have found FLYLady over twenty years ago after I moved in with my husband and became an instant stepmom. FLYLady helped me overcome the CHAOS (Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome) in my home and realize that taking care of it all was a demonstration of Finally Loving Yourself. While I have gleaned a lot of great things from my exposure to FLYLady’s philosophy & customizable routines, I have not always been very consistent in my efforts to stay on top of keeping house while raising a family over the years. That’s because I took on more than just managing a house &…

  • Community

    Crazy, Yet Not So Crazy

    For years, I think people have seen me as crazy & wanting to opt out of society. My husband and I have neither worked “a job” nor voted in any political elections for the past 10-15 years. Our kids haven’t gone to any public school and our family doesn’t attend church anymore. We don’t have a cellphone or use wi-fi, and I haven’t gotten involved with much social media online beyond Facebook. (And I’ve grown to despise Facebook.) For a long time now I’ve been seeing something wrong with the mainstream society, and I realized years ago that the problem stemmed from the System in which it operates. It’s not…

  • Homesteading,  House,  Kitchen,  Land

    The Cost of Our Milk

    Our kids love cereal, particularly our boys. I think they would eat it all day, every day if I let them. But I don’t. However, I’m fine with letting them drink as much milk as they want. That’s because our milk comes from our own animals. This is a chore my husband is not particularly fond of, and he often wonders if the cost of obtaining that milk is truly appreciated by all those who consume it. So, in the interest of having our kids better understand the cost of our milk, I started having them recently go out with my husband each time he milked and be a part of the process.