February 2024 calendar
Keeping It Real

Happy New Year!

I know my greeting is coming a little late for those who recognize a January-December calendar year, but in my understanding, a year is not defined by months, let alone limited to a fixed start & end. A year is a repeat of a series of days.

Therefore, every day is the end of the last year and the start of a new year. So declaring, “Happy New Year!” in my view is an appropriate exclamation to make and sentiment to share on a daily basis.

However, there was a specific prompt to my posting this declaration today.

I just read James Corbett’s February 4th, editorial, entitled 2024 and The Pursuit of Happiness. I highly encourage one and all to read it, please, because I think he does an eloquent job of explaining what it means to pursue happiness & what happiness is, and that we can (& I think we ought to) engage in that pursuit despite whatever circumstances are thrown at us in the coming days, particularly this upcoming calendar year.

His piece resonated so strongly with me, because I’ve had a renewed sense of passion here lately to get my health, house and home life in order. And in doing so, I see that I am pursuing happiness.

And I pray, that all those around me will do the same — that we all will recognize that it is our inalienable, God-given right to pursue happiness in this life.

But first, I think we all need a clear understanding of what that even means. And I think James does an amazing job of explaining it.

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