Living Life Together
It’s hard to imagine in our modern age here in America, what it’s like to live in a small, tight-knit community made up of a variety of multi-generational households, operating well without government assistance or heavy commercial engagement. But people did it in years past.
Once upon a time the majority of Americans lived in the country, and they lived their lives together on the local level.
Of course at that time, everybody had to engage in some kind of manual labor and produce at least a minimal amount of their own food.
And property, knowledge, understanding & wisdom were often handed down from one generation to the next, providing each generation thereafter a leg up.
And given the limitations on transportation and travel, people had to rely on one another to meet their needs, therefore they had to figure out how to get along with one another and cooperate.
This way of living worked. –> People constructing & repairing their own housing, making & mending the bulk of their own clothes, digging & maintaining their own wells, caring for their own loved ones & livestock, producing & consuming the bulk of their own food, and properly managing their own waste — all in the company of those who appreciated where their shelter, clothing, water and food came from and the work it took to obtain, build, grow, maintain and preserve it.
It was satisfying work, enriching even, when people came together with the desire & will to live, learn, love & share of themselves and of their excess with one another. And I believe they found enjoyment in their lives and in each other’s company.
And this is the way of life I want to live.
I’m not talking about a commune. I believe private ownership is needed and people ought to be free to live as they choose without taking from or harming another.
I’m talking about a community — of people who live in close proximity to one another. Who are committed to taking personal responsibility for their own lives and the lives of their own family and figuring out how to live in cooperation with their fellow man — on a voluntary basis.
But I believe, based on my personal experience, for this to happen, people need to need one another in order to live — and that need must go beyond spiritual (emotional or mental) aid & support. It must include physical engagement.
For many of us, to have that kind of life, it requires people to move from where they are currently living.
And it requires a change in lifestyle.
And I daresay for many, that change would be drastic. It would likely be unfamiliar, uncomfortable, inconvenient & hard, but I believe it is necessary if we want to live out our days in good health, freedom, prosperity & peace.
Because the writing is on the wall. The current way of life that most people are living today in America is failing. This current way is clearly leading us towards poor health (even death), enslavement, lack and unrest, and it’s not going to just magically (or miraculously) change for the better on its own (or even with the help of a political overhaul).
If you’re interested in living life together with our family in any way, please reach out to us, and let’s talk.
(Last revised 1/13/25)