Keeping It Real

  • Keeping It Real

    Attention, Time & Energy > Dollars

    In my view, by-and-large we have been sold on the idea that our attention, time & energy are worth dollars, but that is simply not true. The Lies We Were Told We were taught to go to school and get a job so we can earn the money we need to get what we need & want in life. Because, after all, money is what makes the world go ’round, right? And what were we taught is money? Dollars. So, when we reached a certain age, we started trading a portion of our attention, time & energy for dollars. And then we spent more of our attention, time & energy…

  • Community,  Keeping It Real

    What Do YOU Need?

    I’m growing weary of continually crying out to have my needs met, even though it’s not so much my needs that I’m looking to have filled — it’s more of my children’s needs. And really, it is also the needs of those around me that I’m seeking to help fill, but I don’t think people realize they need what I have to offer. Everybody seems to be getting their needs met elsewhere, or at least they think that’s what is happening. And for some, that is what is happening. But for many, I don’t think that’s the case. Unmet Needs I think people are lonely. And deep down they all…

  • Community,  Homesteading,  Keeping It Real,  Videos

    The World We Live In

    In 2019, I did a series of videos speaking on my understanding of what the real world is — the one not made by human hands, and the world within it in which we all live. In my first video, I laid out what I see the natural world consists of and its naturally designed order of operation. This designed order is what I often refer to as the Natural Order. We all live in that world, but I believe many of us are distracted from paying much attention to it. And, unfortunately, I think most people are blind to its designed order of operation because of the artificial world…

  • Keeping It Real

    Boomers. The selfish generation.

    Ok, Boomer. I have appointed myself as a spokesperson for my guys, Generation X. You were our parents. We were born between ’65 and ’80. I was there and saw what you did. I am still seeing it with my own two eyes. Credit goes to Phil Collins, Boomer. We all have our mommy and daddy issues passed on from the previous generation. More on that later. I certainly have a few things to say as a first-hand witness to your mischief and self-interested endeavors. Now please understand that this is a general commentary and not specific to any particular Karen or Kevin. I truly hope that you don’t contact…

  • February 2024 calendar
    Keeping It Real

    Happy New Year!

    I know my greeting is coming a little late for those who recognize a January-December calendar year, but in my understanding, a year is not defined by months, let alone limited to a fixed start & end. A year is a repeat of a series of days. Therefore, every day is the end of the last year and the start of a new year. So declaring, “Happy New Year!” in my view is an appropriate exclamation to make and sentiment to share on a daily basis. However, there was a specific prompt to my posting this declaration today. I just read James Corbett’s February 4th, editorial, entitled 2024 and The…

  • Keeping It Real,  Money

    Banks Are In Trouble

    Here is the latest video from Gregory Mannarino, who I believe is a voice crying in the wilderness calling on people to “unbank themselves” because the banks are in severe trouble — still. He is continually warning people about the financial trouble we are in — not just our US economy, but the world’s economy. It is serious. I believe it is wise for all of us to acknowledge the truth, align ourselves with it (in other words stand under it, which is what it means to “understand” something) and adjust our behavior to reflect what we’ve come to know & understand. I hate the thought of anyone having their…

  • Faith,  Keeping It Real

    Christians, Test Your Worldview

    For all the Christians out there, how well do you really know what the Bible says? Have you studied to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth? Or have you trusted your leaders to teach you the truth and then leaned on their understanding of the Bible to shape your worldview? In Whom Have You Put Your Trust? I’m afraid there are a lot of lost sheep in the world who believe they have found their way because they are in the company of other sheep who all follow a shepherd, showing them which way to go,…

  • Keeping It Real

    Bye-Bye Travel As We’ve Known It

    The Great Travel Reset is currently underway, and I’m afraid most people are unaware. Several years ago now, I heard of “net zero” through Ice Age Farmer and came to understand the PTSB’s plans to transform transportation worldwide — by eliminating carbon emissions to net zero. Essentially, they want to destroy our modern transportation system. And I’m not just talking about restricted air travel. They want to take away our cars. Whether or not they are able to pull off their net zero agenda, the fact remains… Life as we’ve always known it (& currently experience) is going to change drastically. And I have to ask, Are we prepared to…

  • Keeping It Real

    It Can’t Stay the Same

    I understand there are many who would like things to return to normal — to go back to the way it was before 2020, or even before 9/11/01. However, we can’t go back. Too much has been set in motion that has triggered too much to undo. So, we have to face the reality of our situation. We’re never going back to that way of life. And then, there are those who want to hold onto what exists today – to want to continue to use cash in commerce and freely move about without being surveilled and having to “identify yourself” and/or “show your papers”. However, it can’t stay the…

  • Keeping It Real

    The System Doesn’t Care

    I think it’s important for us all to realize that the System doesn’t care about us or for us — it just does for us. Whether we’re talking economics, politics, justice or religion — they all don’t care. The Economic System Our economic system enables us to get things as long as we continually feed it with our life force by exchanging our time & energy for dollars. But it doesn’t value our time & energy because look what we get in exchange for it: worthless dollars (or digits on a screen). And then, look at the value of the various systems within our economic system. Do any of them…