• Celebrity Justice

    The Lively-Baldoni Legal Drama

    I’ve been following the legal drama currently taking place between Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni for the past three months. And a few weeks ago, I started a new Substack publication called Celebrity Justice to lay out the various court filings as they unfold. Since then, I’ve been debating whether or not to blog about it, too, giving my personal commentary. At first, I just wanted to present the facts to whomever might be interested, but now, this case keeps getting more complex and I don’t have anyone in real life to talk to about this matter…and I want to talk about it.

  • Keeping It Real,  Money

    Don’t Buy What the Stock Market Is Selling

    Most people, I believe, are oblivious to how the stock market works. I know I was for most of my life, and I still am clueless about the nitty gritty of it. But, I now understand that the Stock Market is NOT reflective of our economy despite what we are being led to believe by the mainstream media. I imagine most people think (as I had for most of my life) that if the Stock Market is doing well, then our economy must be doing well. And if the Stock Market crashes, then that means our economy is toast. However, in recent years, I have come to learn that is…

  • Community,  Keeping It Real,  Videos

    Faith- vs. Value-based Communities

    In response to a series of videos my husband recently started on his Tywiggle channel talking about intentional communities, he & I started doing a video series together, entitled Ty and Carrie Talks. Our first set of talks centered on Faith- vs. Value-based Communities, broken into several 15-20 minute segments. (A recap of the entire series is given at the end of this post.) In the first video I shared what I found to be problematic in faith-based communities, considering our own personal experience over the years. Then I introduced what I thought to be a better foundation for a community: one that is based on shared values. In the…

  • Keeping It Real

    Attention, Time & Energy > Dollars

    In my view, by-and-large we have been sold on the idea that our attention, time & energy are worth dollars, but that is simply not true. The Lies We Were Told We were taught to go to school and get a job so we can earn the money we need to get what we need & want in life. Because, after all, money is what makes the world go ’round, right? And what were we taught is money? Dollars. So, when we reached a certain age, we started trading a portion of our attention, time & energy for dollars. And then we spent more of our attention, time & energy…

  • Animals

    The Prodigal Bird Returns

    Look who decided to come home! Betcha didn’t know we had a peacock. Well, we did for about three days, and then we didn’t for I-don’t-know-how-many months now. The day he arrived on the homestead we locked him up in a coop to get him acclimated to his new surroundings. Then, shortly before sunset on the third day, we let him out, thinking he’d roam just a little but not too far. Well, he promptly flew off, never to be seen here again.

  • Community,  Keeping It Real

    What Do YOU Need?

    I’m growing weary of continually crying out to have my needs met, even though it’s not so much my needs that I’m looking to have filled — it’s more of my children’s needs. And really, it is also the needs of those around me that I’m seeking to help fill, but I don’t think people realize they need what I have to offer. Everybody seems to be getting their needs met elsewhere, or at least they think that’s what is happening. And for some, that is what is happening. But for many, I don’t think that’s the case. Unmet Needs I think people are lonely. And deep down they all…

  • Community,  Homesteading,  Keeping It Real,  Videos

    The World We Live In

    In 2019, I did a series of videos speaking on my understanding of what the real world is — the one not made by human hands, and the world within it in which we all live. In my first video, I laid out what I see the natural world consists of and its naturally designed order of operation. This designed order is what I often refer to as the Natural Order. We all live in that world, but I believe many of us are distracted from paying much attention to it. And, unfortunately, I think most people are blind to its designed order of operation because of the artificial world…

  • Keeping It Real

    Boomers. The selfish generation.

    Ok, Boomer. I have appointed myself as a spokesperson for my guys, Generation X. You were our parents. We were born between ’65 and ’80. I was there and saw what you did. I am still seeing it with my own two eyes. Credit goes to Phil Collins, Boomer. We all have our mommy and daddy issues passed on from the previous generation. More on that later. I certainly have a few things to say as a first-hand witness to your mischief and self-interested endeavors. Now please understand that this is a general commentary and not specific to any particular Karen or Kevin. I truly hope that you don’t contact…

  • Community,  Ty's Journal

    Tywiggle on Youtube

    Hello friends. A new chapter has started in our life here on the Wiggle homestead. We finally got real internet installed after waiting for many years. This opens the opportunity of sharing my voice by video. The old internet might have uploaded at 1mb and now we are uploading a nearly 100mb. An upload that would have taken all night and been paused for errors now takes just a few frustration free minutes to be completed. Hello world! Carrie and I have been talking about what we want for our future selves and how to perhaps achieve that. In all of our knowledge seeking and solutions based approaches to what…

  • Cows grazing grass.
    Community,  Homesteading

    Not Just Homesteading

    When my husband chose to change his lawncare strategy a decade & a half ago and brought in cows to mow the front yard and goats to clear the brush in the back, we naturally started becoming homesteaders. And when we decided to do more with the dirt that surrounded our home than simply travel on it and began to sow seed & transplant starter plants, bushes & trees into it, we naturally began to become food producers and eventually gardeners. Today, those who drive by our property can see that we are a bit over-the-top in our homesteading. We have way more animals roaming the land than we really…