I’m Not a Cow Person
I’m not a cow person, but we have cows — a lot of them.
In fact, we just had one born on the homestead last week. Check out this momma & her calf.
If I had my druthers, I’d get rid of most of our herd because we have too many for our land to support them all.
But my husband keeps reminding me that we need them because they are doing precious work for us that would otherwise take decades for us to do. They are bringing fertility to the land. A lot of it.
While we plan to put some of these beasts in the freezer this winter, my husband’s proposed solution to this overpopulation problem is to find more land for them to graze.
Of course, he’d love to buy more land, but we don’t really have the money to do that now. We’d be satisfied with simply having access to more land.
Anyone interested in sharing a parcel of their land with us?
(You provide the fuel — grass, that is, and our cows will provide the fertilizer. Sound like a fair trade: fresh fuel <=> fresh fertilizer? Let us know if this sounds like a good deal to you. Of course, it would be preferable if the land was situated in our same zip code. 😉 )
Where was I? Oh, yeah.
I’m not a cow person…
…but I handle merchandise featuring cow people.
We sell these wall decals on Amazon (I know, boo…hiss!), but it currently pays the bills.
I’m not a big fan of Disney in general, so I don’t like handling these products, but again, the exchange of decals like these for “greenbacks” helped us pay off our debts. And, they are helping pay our current bills as we transition our way out of the System. (If you want any of them, please get in touch with us directly, we’d rather not deal through Amazon. — boo…hiss!)
I’m not a cow person…
…but I like cowboy hats.
I’ve always wanted one, ever since I dressed up as Loretta Lynn & lip synced songs sung by Sissy Spacek from A Coal Miner’s Daughter in junior high school for my creative drama class.
I think they look cool. I wish I had one of my own.
I’d wear it when I go square dancing, which I still do from time to time.
(This hat was borrowed.)
No, I’m not a cow person, but I am a people person.
I enjoy the company of people, particularly those who act like decent human beings.
But even when people don’t act right, I still value them.
In my book, human beings are a cut above all the other living, breathing creatures out there. (No offense meant to the rest of God’s creation.)
While I’m grateful to have cows, goats, chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys & even a pet dog in my midst, people are really what I get excited about.
But for those of you who are visiting this post because you like cows, here’s some eye candy for you…
One Comment
Pranee Terry
David says no cows, I’ll keep working on him!