Community,  Homesteading

Free Books at the Homestead Stand

Years ago, when we first built our Homestead Stand, I had toyed with the idea of putting a Little Free Library at the front edge of our property.

(I was trying to think how we could better serve our neighborhood and get folks in the local area to come around.)

But, with all the other things going on around here, that thought got put onto the back, back burner.

In recent years, our daughter, started showing an interest in opening up her own used bookstore. (She loves to read — she always has.)

For the past year, she’s been investing much of her attention, time and energy (& dollars) into making this notion a reality by starting to build up an inventory of books to offer (and building a web presence).

She launched her own eBay store: Wood Between the Worlds VA and started offering what she had for sale online.

Then, she & my husband milled lumber on our sawmill to make shelves to house her growing inventory. And she & her youngest brother got to work designing and building the bookshelves in our barn.

She then made a beautiful display of her offerings for all who come through there to see.

A Stepping Stone Along the Way

A few weeks ago, at our daughter’s prompting, we went on a Little Free Library tour in our county. She dropped off some Advanced Reader Copies (which are not meant to sell), and I snagged a few memoirs to read for myself.

Seeing there was a blank spot on the Little Free Library map in our part of the county, we thought, Why not build our own and get it put on the map?

So, again, Ty milled the lumber and our kids set to work building it.

Once it was completed, we ordered our charter plate, contributed a few dozen books to it and put the word out to those in our local area, looking for additional book donations.

We picked out some forest green paint, and in a few weeks when the weather is nice, we’ll set out to paint it, which ought to make it pop on the face of our Stand. But for now, it simply looks like it’s part of The Homestead Stand.

We’re grateful to those who have already dropped by and contributed to the cause. And if you’re ever in the area, please come on by & check it out for yourself!

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