Seeking Truth

Around the year 2008, we began to lose faith in what we were being told through the mainstream media, and we began to actively pursue truth.

This was after our realization that the mainstream food supply was toxic, and we had already begun to be more conscious of what we were physically feeding ourselves.

Then, however, we turned our attention to what we were figuratively being fed (& feeding ourselves).

What started with being exposed to information concerning climate engineering and seeking the truth surrounding the events that took place on 9/11/01 led to fervent inquiry into a host of things we had already accepted as being true in the past and were being freshly exposed to.

Desiring to know what was really real — particularly with matters that were meaningful to us personally, we began our own individual & combined quests for truth.

Some of what we’ve personally researched…

  • Food (particularly, processed foods)
  • The events of 9/11 (WTC – Twin Towers & Building 7, the Pentagon & Shanksville, PA)
  • Chemtrails (a.k.a. Geoengineering)
  • The US Constitution (particularly, the Natural Born Citizenship clause)
  • The US political election process (to include our state & local processes)
  • Vaccinations (following an adverse reaction to the Rotavirus vaccine in 2005)
  • Holiday practices (particularly, Halloween, Christmas & Easter)
  • Holy days addressed in the Bible
  • Religious dogma/doctrine (particularly in Christianity)
  • Heliocentrism (the heliocentric model vs geocentric model)
  • The sun, moon & stars
  • The US monetary system (what it is & how it works)
  • The Most Dangerous Superstition
  • and more.

While we have a natural desire to know what is true, and some topics are more personally intriguing than others, our primary aim in discovering that which is true is to:

  • align ourselves with it,
  • apply what we learn from it, and
  • alter our behavior accordingly. <– This is KEY.

Therefore, having learned all that we have thus far, we are continually compelled to cease putting our faith in the institutions which have proven themselves untrustworthy (& thereby cease complying with & supporting their practices) and proceed down paths that are beneficial for life.

What about you?

Have you looked into any of the above subject matters? If not, please do so.

If so, has what you found led you to take a different course in life? What does that look like? Tell us about it.