
We all need to work to live.

Just to survive, we need to have:

  • a safe & secure place to sleep,
  • clean air to breathe,
  • clean water to drink,
  • protection from extreme temperatures, forces of nature, predators & invaders,
  • nourishing (non-toxic) food,
  • a sound sewage/waste management system, and
  • positive companionship.

After meeting these needs, we are able to turn our attention, time & energy towards improving our living conditions, adding to our provisions, and enriching our lives & the lives of those around us.

The Natural Order

The natural order for mankind derives from the family unit. And the family’s natural design is for the parents to protect, nurture and provide all of the above aspects of life for their children during their infancy & childhood, so they are able to grow healthy & strong.

As the children mature and become more capable of standing on their own, the natural inclination is to either carry on the family “business”, expand the family “empire”, or strike out on one’s own.

At some point those of the younger generation typically find a mate with whom they can start a family of their own, extending their parents’ family.

Provided the generations stay geographically close to one another and continue to support & aid one another, each generation, along with the multi-generational family-at-large, has the potential to become very strong.

Groomed to Plug In

Unfortunately, instead of remaining close to our parents, taking advantage of their support & aid, and expanding the family business or empire, so to speak, most of us were groomed to plug into the System.

Plugging in simply requires us to find a way to earn money within the System (helping power it alongside our fellow man), so that we can pay for whatever we need & want in life (plus tax!).

For most of us, we didn’t really have a family business or empire to expand. We were either encouraged to fly the coop and make a life for ourselves elsewhere or we were chomping at the bit to strike out on our own. That’s largely because our parents were typically taught the same thing: plug in.

As a result, most of us have lost the prosperity of former generations and have been led into financial dependence.

Now, with economies around the world, including the US, collapsing, and each country’s monetary system being systematically destroyed, many of us are in dire straits.

What Now?

In our case, we groomed our children to stay together and to support & aid one another.

We want them to take advantage of their parents, their siblings, and the family business/empire we have all worked together for the past 20+ years to develop.

And we want them to continue down the path we’re on, moving away from the money-based systems as much as possible and towards primarily localized, land-based operations.

Therefore, we are working cooperatively to:

  • Improve all of our living conditions,
  • Add to all of our provisions, and
  • Enrich all of our lives & the lives of those around us.

And we are continually building a network of trustworthy relationships through which we can learn & grow and with whom we can interact & engage (in work and play) and conduct exchanges.

This is the order by which we choose to live.